These are the UW web tools available to create the essential financial reports required to manage budgets, manage employee information, approve and document travel expenditures, manage procurement transactions and administer grants:
Business Intelligence Portal
Enterprise Data Warehouse
A central repository of the University of Washington's electronically stored institutional data. This repository is organized in a way that is meaningful for business analysis and reporting. The Enterprise Reporting program produces reports across all data areas (student, finance, human resources, and research) to meet central and local needs. It defines data needs, creates institutional data definitions, prioritizes and develops reports, and provides online access to reports and definitions. Additional information and a list of reports is available on the Decision Support. website.
Example of Report: Fiscal year income and expense summary by funding source
MyFinancial Desktop
A web interface for the UW Financial Accounting System (FAS). It provides users a convenient means for monitoring budget balances and reconciling transactions. Users can build custom reports, use the Budget Worksheet to plan for future budget activity and transfer posted expenses on line.
Web-based system to approve and report travel expenditures for reimbursement.
Web-based system to purchase all procurement needs through university contracts with most vendors.
System to administer grants electronically