Fundamental Information
Getting Started
- Contracts : The University has contracts for many goods and services that are managed by a UW Buyer. This is the preferred way of doing business here at the UW.
- Direct Buy : The dollar limit set by state law under which purchases may be made without securing competitive solicitation.
- Solicitation : Informal or formal competition for purchasing.
- Sole Source : Guidelines for using a Sole Source Justification
- Subawards : Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) guidance for subaward management.
- Supplier Diversity : Focuses on developing internal awareness regarding small, local and diverse suppliers.
- Planning an Event : Catering, Conferences, Hotels etc.
- Exception Items: Specialized items that require Central Office involvement.
- Terms and Conditions : The documents here may relate to some but not all orders placed by the university.
How To Buy
Procurement Services have created strategic sourcing contracts for efficient and cost effective procurement utilizing Workday. A secondary option is available using a UW issued ProCurement Card, and finally as the least favorable option.
In Workday:
- Catalog Requisition: Preferred option for buying. Catalog purchases offer established pricing, terms and discounts designed to offer the best overall value to campus.
- Non-Catalog Requisition: Requesting goods and services from a supplier who does not have a catalog for the UW.
Outside Ariba:
- Procard : A Visa purchasing card available for faculty and staff. eLearning training required.
Supplier Registration
If a contract cannot be utilized for the purchase being made, and we do not have the supplier in our vendor file, the supplier will need to register with the UW to do business.
- Supplier Registration: UW Procurement Services has an online supplier registration portal for suppliers doing business with the University.
- Foreign Suppliers : Guidance on how to register and pay foreign suppliers and foreign nationals.
How To Pay
Options for paying for commodities which may not have been ordered through the procurement options above.
- Supplier Invoice Request: An online tool in Workday used to make a payment to a supplier when a PO is not required and the invoice is under the Direct Buy Limit.
- Miscellaneous Payments: A form in Workday providing users a convenient means of making quick payments to a non-UW individual.
- Expense Reports: Expense Report is a form in Workday used to reimburse UW individuals for travel and purchases of goods they have made on behalf of the UW.
- Field Advance: An advance to a UW department, when making payments through Ariba or using Procard are not possible in a developing country.
- Research Subjects: Used to make payments to research subjects.
Invoicing and Receiving
Information on management of invoices and associated tasks.
- Invoices: How a supplier submits an invoice to the University of Washington depends on the type of order.
- Receiving : When you receive, you are approving an amount of money to be released for payment on an order that requires it.
- Tax: the Tax Office works to ensure compliance with city, state, and federal tax laws.
Order Management
Other Considerations
- Ethics : Identifying and managing potential conflicts of interest and other ethical questions as part of the University community.
- Grant and Contract Accounting : GCA assists the UW community by facilitating the post award financial aspects of sponsored awards, from budget setup to closeout.
- Equipment Inventory Office : Is responsible for the proper tagging, reporting, and controls over more than 64,000 equipment assets.
- Internal Controls: Concept and framework for effective internal control policies and procedures.