Budget Driver (BGT)
The Budget Driver is used to allocate and track funding.
Designated Operating Fund (DOF)
DOF are provided from local fund sources within the UW, such as indirect costs (or overhead) charged to self-sustaining budgets and grants, interest income, summer quarter revenue, hospital revenue, administrative overhead, and miscellaneous fees. The University has unlimited discretion as to the use of such funds, though as a matter of internal policy, may have restricted their use.
Financial Accounting System (FAS)
UW's financial reporting system that captures all revenues and expenditures.
Financial Desktop (MyFD)
Web based tool allows review of individual budget activity and balances. MyFD allows search and query of financial information.
Gifts, Endowments and Discretionary Funds
UW schools / colleges/ units receive gifts and earnings from endowment funds whose use is limited to the donor's outlined intent. Schools / colleges have local discretionary gift funds which allow flexibility for units in terms of use and of funs and standard UW Guidelines.
General Operating Funds (GOF)
Funds over which the UW has significant discretion. Composed of: State appropriations (tax support) and
Operating Fee revenue (portion of tuition). GOF expenditures are subject to State of Washington and internal UW policies and procedures.
Grant Funds
The UW receives grants and contracts whose use is restricted to the purposes outlined in the grant or contract agreement.
The Enterprise Reporting Initiative (ERI)
ERI seeks to ensure a consistent and cohesive approach to UW data reporting efforts. This program produces reports across all data areas (student, finance, human resources, and research) to meet central and local needs. It defines data needs, creates institutional data definitions, prioritizes and develops reports, and provides online access to reports and definitions.
Web-based front end to input and research employee information. This system has the same information as HEPPS but in a web format.
Payroll System (HEPPS)
UW Payroll system which provides information on individual faculty and staff including current funding allocation and funding history by each payroll period by budget number. HEPPS can be used to research individual employee information.
Purchasing & Accounting System (PAS)
Purchasing system that provides detailed information on individual items purchased through central purchasing. This will include all items over $3,300.
Many units have developed patented discoveries that have resulted in royalties and or licensable income through UW Technology Transfer which may not have different restrictions.
Self-Sustaining and/or Fee-Based Funds
Many UW units have self-sustaining operations and fee-based programs whose revenues may drive from services provided both internally and externally to the UW.
Student Database (SDB)
Database to manage student registration, transcripts, tuition, scholarship activity and class offerings and lists.
Use tax vs. Sales tax
Vendors located out-of-state with no direct presence in Washington State are not required to charge or collect sales tax. However, if items or services in question are obtained in Washington State and would otherwise be subject to tax, the University pays an equivalent tax on those purchases as required by WAC 458-20-178. for more information: http://www.washington.edu/admin/finserv/payables/salestax.html
UW Enterprise Data Warehouse
A central repository of the University of Washington's electronically stored institutional data. This repository is organized in a way that is meaningful for business analysis and reporting. Additional information and a list of reports is available on the Decision Support. website.