The Budget Process
The Office of Planning & Budgeting, under the Provost's oversight, manages the allocation of the General Operating Fund (GOF) portion of tuition and the allocation of Designated Operating Funds (DOF) including local funds and Research Cost Recovery (RCR) funds on an annual basis. Colleges, Schools and Administrative units are responsible for developing their operating budgets based on centrally allocated funds and other funds available to the units.
Determines the general State funds the UW will receive (or forfeit in times of reductions). In some instances, the State will direct additional funding toward specific purposes, such as salary increases, benefit adjustments, new enrollment , etc. The UW prepares an annual budget which outlines the allocation of new funds received, and presents it to the Regents. Upon approval, the allocation process can begin. The state also determines the tuition setting authority for undergraduate resident tuition (% of increase). The UW can determine non-resident and graduate tuition. In 2012 the Legislature allowed UW to determine undergraduate tuition.
Uses the prior period's budget as a base and focuses on incremental revenues to address priorities. The UW Office of Planning & Budgeting (manages the allocation of State funds to schools and colleges, and typically classified in two categories: General Operating Funds (GOF) and Designated Operating Funds (DOF).
The Office of Planning & Budgeting
Under the Provost's oversight, manages the process for the allocation of GOF (State and operating fee portion of tuition) and DOF (local funds and RCR--Research Cost Recovery Funds) on an annual basis.
The Colleges, Schools and Administrative Units
Retain the responsibility for developing the operating budgets for their organizations based on centrally allocated funds and other funds available to the units.